Characters on the Couch
Our favorite fictional characters from books and movies often display an impressive and wide range of psychological attributes, both positive and negative. We admire their resilience, courage, humanity, or justice, and we are intrigued by other characters who show signs of personality disorders and mental illness - psychopathy, narcissism, antisocial personality, paranoia, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, among many other conditions. This book examines the psychological attributes and motivations of 100 fascinating characters that include examples of both accurate and misleading depictions of psychological traits and conditions, enabling readers to distinguish realistic from inaccurate depictions of human behavior.
Murderous Minds: Exploring the Criminal Psychopathic Brain
" informed, masterful account of the theory, research, controversies, and issues surrounding the construct of psychopathy . . . His balanced and scientifically sound coverage of the literature and issues are admirable and refreshing. Readers not familiar with the technology and procedures of neuroscience will appreciate the way in which Haycock makes the science understandable, interesting, and relevant. Highly recommended." -- Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., author of Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us and developer of the the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised.
Audiobook version from Cherry Hill Publishing, now available on Audible.
The Everything Health Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder
More and more people are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which affects 2.6 percent of all American adults. This diagnosis can be scary for patients and their loved ones, but new medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes have transformed treatment and benefited patients. With this health guide, you'll find authoritative, reassuring advice.
The Everything Health Guide to Schizophrenia
The effects of schizophrenia can be devastating for both the 3.3 million adults living with the disease as well as their families and friends. This guide offers help to those who suffer from schizophrenia and their loved ones, including information on how to: Get a correct diagnosis, understand the various types of schizophrenia, handle resulting problems, and more.